K.E.M. Radiology

Patients First ...  Learn from following them up!

Welcome to the Academic and Educational pages  of the

Department of Radiology 

  Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai , India

History of Medicine Lecture series

Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital 

Dr. Manu VL Kothari Chair & Division of Medical Humanities 

Proudly presents 

a short lecture series on 

 📚*History of Medicine* 📚

This lecture series aims to provide the audience, young students and veteran doctors alike, with a new perspective to the study of history.

It seeks to highlight the importance of studying history, and of appreciating it, by presenting landmark events, fascinating stories and colorful personalities in a brief span of time, especially focussing on stories closer to home.

Join us every Saturday at 6 PM

One time registration is free but mandatory. Once you register, you will receive the link to future lectures on the day before the lectures

History of Medicine Lectures GSMC 2022