

Patients First ...  Learn from following them up!

Welcome to the Academic and Educational pages  of the

Department of Radiology 

  Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai , India

FAQs for those wishing to join KEM Radiology Department for MD, Fellowship Courses and B Sc. (Rad. Technology)

The department offers admission to the MD course in radiodiagnosis. We do not have DMRD or DNB courses

Fellowship courses are available in all subspecialties of radiology. Admissions are through the entrance examinations conducted by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS). Our department or hospital  have no role in the process of selection/admission to fellowship courses

Admission to the MD course is ONLY through the NEET entrance test . We do not admit any students directly. 

For admission to the BSc (Radiography Technology) course,  you have to visit the Maharashtra CET website for details. We do not admit students directly.

If you have any specific questions about these courses, please contact us . We are always there to help.

The following information is only for the MD course

What are the imaging modalities available in KEM?

Barium studies

Conventional Radiology


IVU, DRU etc





Vascular intervention

How many USG, CT and MRI machines are there?

          CT 2

          MRI 1(1.5 Tesla; 3 Tesla MRI awaited)


DR - 5

Digital Fluoroscopy - 1  


What is the total number of residents per batch?

There is a total of 13 residents in each batch. With three working batches, a total of 39 residents.


How many months of rotations do we get in every modality?

Barium- 4 months

Conventional radiology- 4 months

CT- 2 months of houseman posting and at least 4 months of registrar posting

Intervention radiology- 4 months

MRI- 2 months of houseman posting and at least 4 months of registrar posting

Ultrasonography- 2 months of houseman posting. 3 months of routine ultrasound and 3 months in Emergency services 

What is the frequency of calls?

If you're posted in conventional modalities ( X- ray, Barium, Ultrasound) the number of calls will be relatively more i.e 10-12 calls per month. In other modalities the number of calls will be 5-7 calls per month


How many leaves are we entitled to?

There is 42 days of Extended Leave, 40 days Half Pay Leave and 8 days of Leave without pay.

Total of 90 days. We can take this anytime in residency.


How much is the stipend? (The following information is as of November 2024)

After deduction of all taxes, the stipend is Rs 84,000 every month.

It is paid monthly.

The stipend is the same for all three years.

It is the same for all MD courses. 

Is hostel provided right from the beginning?

All residents are provided with hostel rooms within 1km of the hospital. Resident room is available in the department for on-call days.


What about internet facilities in the department?

Every reporting room has internet service on the desktop available there. Some sections of the department have access to high speed WiFi.

What are the library facilities?

The central college library and the intradepartmental library are stocked adequately with books and journals.

Which cellular network service is preferable in the hospital premise?

The hospital premise is a network poor area. Everyone prefers two different network services to make the best for communication. Hence the internet service have been well taken care of. 

Which interventions are done under USG and CT guidance?


Biopsies (USG, CT)

Pigtail insertion (USG, CT)

Pleural/ascitic tapping(therapeutic and diagnostic)

Dry tapping (USG, CT)

Central line insertion (USG)

Amniocentesis (USG)


Do we get hands on experience of doing procedures?

Most of the procedures are done by junior residents under the supervision of seniors, hence good hands on experience. 


How many months of interventional radiology posting do we get?

3-4 months 


Do we get hands on experience in IR?

Yes. Residents get hands on experience in basic procedures and a good understanding of the equipment and catheters.


How are the rotations done in USG?

The rotations are divided into Routine services and Emergency services. Routine services have dedicated sections for OPD, IPD (including Musculoskeletal, breast and thyroid imaging), Obstetrics, Neonatal scans and Dopplers on appointment basis. Emergency service caters to every need on case to case basis  


What are the academic activities?

Teaching files- Monthly academic meets are held to discuss interesting/ unique/ typical cases with appropriate follow up.

Lectures- dedicated teaching schedule is followed for continued learning of the team

Weekly case discussions- case discussions are held every Friday under the guidance of Visiting Consultant Dr. Ravi Ramakantan

Journal club under the guidance of Visiting Consultant Dr. Ravi Ramakantan - monthly meeting for discussing articles and original work done in the field of radiology 

Case of the day – Spotters curated by residents from daily work

Case of the month- A complete study of a patient right from the chief complaints up to the final diagnosis

For other contributions by residents, please see the academic website of the department kemradiology.org 


What is the commonly spoken language by the patients and relatives ;  will there be a language barrier?

Hindi and Marathi are the commonly spoken languages. Even though many people understand English, anyone coming from non-Hindi speaking states can face communication problem in the initial days. However with the help of fellow residents, this can be managed easily.

What are the canteen and eating facilities?

    There is a canteen in the campus ; besides there are numerous good quality eating places within walking distance.


What makes KEM radiology different from other radiology departments ?

Since KEM is a tertiary care centre with various super specialities, there is a wide range of clinical cases to study. In addition, with good inter-departmental interaction, follow up of patients has been the biggest teacher to everyone in the department.

Along with reporting, residents are expected to do dedicated duties at the console, which enables every resident to understand  the functioning of various equipment and decreases dependence on others.

We have very busy general vascular and non-vascular and, neurointervention programs

Due to early exposure to reporting and intervention, residents get good opportunities for independent hands-on experience. At the end of three years of residency, the department would have become your home away from home.

If you have any more specific questions, please contact us